Insult Number 1

Context of the Insult

It is to say that if we are going to insult a person by any means we should know what we are talking about. People like ourselves have to consider that it is not how loud you shout, but how profound your insult is in either the historic, social o religious context.

Excerpts referring to a Pirates Life:

“In reality, many pirates ate poorly, did not become fabulously wealthy, and died young.”

“Even though pirates raided many ships, few, if any, buried their treasure, or booty. Often, the "treasure" that was stolen was food, water, alcohol, weapons, or clothing. Other things they stole were household items like bits of soap and gear like rope and anchors. For this reason, there was no need for the pirates to bury these goods.”

“Living conditions on the warships were horrible even by 17th century standards; sailors were often fed rotten, maggot-infested food, frequently suffered from scurvy or other nutritional disorders, and could be counted lucky to escape their service without a crippling injury. ”

Conclusion, when you find a person that has an unbearable smell and you want him or her to know, that he or she needs to take some kind of action to improve his condition.. and you want to be firm in your statement you should say……

You Smell Like a Pirate’s Breath!


Unknown ha dicho que…
Jajaja! muy ilustrativo! Me cuidaré de utilizar el calificativo de "pirata" en todo aquello que realmente no lo merezca.

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